@okoeroo just so you know Americans think a Dutch oven is what @praseodym said, Urban Dictionary is always your friend 🙂 # @Scroobiuspipyo Tomorrow night? You should pop into the beer fest in the great hall at BAC 🙂 # @lallaballoo and why you don't … # My "Gold Teeth On A Bum" @dillingerescpln t-shirt… Read More
Category: Twitter
Tweets from 2012-02-07
@richardpurnell And you like it, you pervert … # I have just found out that the @lambeth_council #countryshow has been cancelled by the shock choice of London as this year's Olympic hosts! # Moron's at @Lambeth_council cancel the #countryshow http://t.co/CnB7pHI1 #
Tweets from 2012-02-06
I love We Want It All by Zack De La Rocha – http://t.co/Eu5HyJPB # I thought I had seen it all when it came to bad online/information but one I was just pointed at was gobsmackingly poor #
Tweets from 2012-02-03
MT: @bengoldacre: What WILL happen with the NHS bill, in 5 tweets. http://t.co/OiWnXLDj # @JS_tone Bizarre well your on there now, see if you can change your address yourself maybe? # Started following @IGIGS_LONDON who are highlighting Irish acts playing the capital, hope they include the heavier side of the Irish scene #
Tweets from 2012-02-02
Is DRM leading to a modern burning of Alexandria library and are pirates our saviours? http://t.co/slYiVO03 # @JS_tone @benstill auto-add not allowed any more, drop me an email with your email address #
Tweets from 2012-02-01
I like this http://t.co/OKlRIkYq from @LettersOfNote # Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword? Finished 🙂 #LoZ # RT: @bobbyllew: Red Dwarf is to be broadcast on Dave in October 2012 #
Tweets from 2012-01-31
Virtually tracking software http://t.co/cYtJsYgB # @geowriter I love the @WindmillBrixton, are you actually any good? # @geowriter you playing this? http://t.co/RcJwlVDl You in Clinker? They could be good, my musical taste is basically http://t.co/30KxpyjS # @geowriter So yeah links would be good 🙂 # @geowriter Ha ha, I'm more used to seeing crusty punks play… Read More
Tweets from 2012-01-30
David Grohl is in Then Muppets? Genius http://t.co/9sLxTGpT # @hijinksensue Em isnt it "a man made do"? as in "to make do" i.e. To manage to get along with the means available http://t.co/BLS2ScvI #
Tweets from 2012-01-27
Details or did I miss a tweet/tour date? RT @ALEC_EMPIRE: getting ready to launch Atari Teenage Riot 3.0 in London in February # @gettothefront any details of a London date for @ATR_official next month? # @stereoboard any details of a London date for @ATR_official next month? # Tickets for @atr_official at @GarageLondon only £5? Nice… Read More
Tweets from 2012-01-27
Details or did I miss a tweet/tour date? RT @ALEC_EMPIRE: getting ready to launch Atari Teenage Riot 3.0 in London in February # @gettothefront any details of a London date for @ATR_official next month? # @stereoboard any details of a London date for @ATR_official next month? # Tickets for @atr_official at @GarageLondon only £5? Nice… Read More
Tweets from 2012-01-26
So I will have a Wii U by this Xmas? Nice 🙂 http://t.co/gnbhP78g # Do I want a @Raspberry_Pi? Probably 🙂 #
Tweets from 2012-01-25
What game are computers most likely to never outplay humans at? Calvin Ball – http://t.co/6CL7WfM6 # On my personal to-do list is to see the Northern Lights in person RT: @qikipedia: Now these are impressive skies http://t.co/fbymLiix # @SciEntsBlog @ScienceLondon or @BritSciAssociat? # Apparently the Feltham and Ilford @cineworld are the highest grossing Bollywood cinemas… Read More