Had a really nice weekend with Sarah. Didn’t really do too much. Saturday had a look around Portobello Market, then Camden, tried to get tickets at the Garage but they didn’t have a box office, came home and had really nice pizza even if it did turn up a bit late. Alex, Sean, Sarah and myself all went out then to The Windmill a dive of a pub, which was OK but had the barefaced cheek to charge in. WTF? It was OK but 4 quid in, no thanks mate not again. Sunday did even less, just went for a wander around Oxford Street got some new jeans and a shirt, then back to Brixtonia for a pint or two in The Hobgoblin. Today was up at 5 this morning escorting Sarah to Liverpool Street Station. We cut it fine getting to the airport but only because the first tube isn’t till 05:26 :-?.She’s home safe now dealing with college and I’m back in work.
Actually over the weekend I also picked up a UK mobile a Nokia 1100 on Fresh Mobile. The phone is great it does NOTHING, it’s just a phone it makes and receives calls and text messages THAT IS ALL. Loving it, anyway my new Britland number is: +44 (0)79 6281 8712 so send us a text sometime. Hopefully I’l go bill in a month or two and keep that number, may get a fancier phone then 🙂
This morning due to my failure in procuring tix on Sat from the Garage I had to order them online to be sure, so I’m off to Zero Cipher on Wednesday night.
OK, better go back to work.
Link Of The Day:
May go here with Sarah next time she’s over.
Later Days,