Probably a quickish post just some news on the wire today.
Some new stuff on the DSLite:
Pictures of the Lite
The instruction manual for the DS in PDF
Pictures of the Lite’s innards
But probably more exciting are a set of pictures coming out of Japan seemingly from a nintendo book either for shareholders or graduates.
Kotaku have some here
And two threads discussing the pics/book:
GA Forum
Oh can’t wait for the Rev launch now and tempted by a DS Lite, really depends on the colours available, I’d like jet black.
The best bit of news is all of the following(stolen from
2006 has started with Terry completing Wintersmith, the third Tiffany Aching novel, the announcement that Sam Raimi plans to direct The Wee Free Men (after completing the third Spiderman film – see Variety’s news story ,’s and the BBC’s . Filming is to start in February in Romania on a two-part four-hour mini-series adaptation of Hogfather (by MOB Films) for transmission in the UK on Sky1 next Christmas. It will be live-action with CGI, with Ian Richardson as Death, Sir David Jason as Albert, Marc Warren as Teatime and Michelle Dockery as Susan. And while all this has been making headlines, Terry has started work on his next adult Discworld novel, Making Money, which features Moist von Lipwig taking on the Ankh-Morpork Mint – the job that Reacher Gilt so unwisely refused.
Link Of The Day:, A site that hosts your video files and pays you half the advertising revenue they recieve. It’s kinda cool especially for aspiring directors or bands who want a little money. Little could the operative word.
Later Days,
Seems like Nintendo has a similar ‘viral’ following to Apple’s. What’s happening with your iMac btw?
I need cash and I don’t have at the mo. I should be getting a Britland bank a/c soon and will use that (and the accompanying c/c) to purchase one if not I’m waiting on some capital assets to become liquid back home and will then use that. No real rush as I have the notebook for home use.
Ahhhhh… You’re becoming a regular little Del Trotter… Wheeling and dealing with some ‘Capital Assets’. London must be having an effect on you.