“Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head”
Well two out of three aint bad, not enough hair to warrant a comb. I’m in work today half twelve till 9pm and in tomorrow a full day, finished at half 5 though so it aint all bad.
Just finished moving my newly ripped MP3s over to my H140, plenty of stuff on there now. I may even start a little pop-up window status window for it here. I’ll probably post here after work at about half ten tonight but till then:
Link Of The Day:
Maddox He’s THE man a god among insects you’re not even worthy of the steam off his piss.
hey neasan,
jst mailin to say i love the cartoon picture of u,
looks freakishly like u!hope all is well, likin the site
Yeah… Wonderful Blog, Idiot! Are you still pissed? I got a msg. from Ste… We write back and forth now. Did you hear I’m getting married? September 10th,2005… Here in the states. Might take two honeymoons… one this year to Canada, and one in two years to either, Vegas, Hawaii, or England… So if we go to the latter… I’ll be coming over to visit. Oh well.. I’m out!