Later that day

well it’s quarter past ten, I said I might re-post now. Ooh I got comments from two old friends, hey guys. As you can see Melissa(one of those damn pesky Americans I know) is getting married in September, totally meental I tells ya. Ah Carol our days in Sky (old job) long behind us thank Christ.
As luck would have it met two other old friends on Grafton St before work, Ken “Ringo” Ring and Dave “Mackers” McBride. Sound guys need to meet up with them proper style soon.
Work kinda sucked as usual, was doing A-Z work i.e. put labels on the DVD dividers, mostly in the stockroom so hooked up the H140 to the stereo and tunes a-go-go. Had to leave ~5 minutes early to get my train and got hassle from a Loss Prevention Cunt(security) they really have nothing better do than hassle me!
Later Days, it’ll be a late post tomorrow, in work for 9am so that’s a bus at 7 :-/
Oh yeah and I’m wavering over the new Fantastic Four film having just seen my first pictures for it in work. Jessica Alba as Sue Storm OK cool but hmmm this better be good. They fucked up Daredevil this better be good.


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