Stampin Ground have quit, they are doing a final farewell tour which I hope to be at the last show of in the Islington Academy. I thought the tour was proof they weren’t quitting not farewell shows 🙁
Woo Hoo got Tenny D tickets. Only problem is I wasn’t on my toes and had to get a seat for the first London show 🙁 but then I remembered that there will be a second which won’t catch me off guard and that I was planning to go to Brighton and I did get a standing for that. So alls well that ends well. This should be my second, third and fourth time seeing them but Al, well his a Tenacious D virgin having never seen them live, poor guy but he has his Dublin ticket so I’d say he’s happy.
New webcomic I stumbled upon Questionable Content
it’s pretty cool with some great moments from the AnthroPC, Pintsize. It is a bit too cool indie and junk but at least it hasn’t done what Sluggy Freelance and General Protection Fault have which is just go off on these MASSIVE story arcs which literally stretch for years and are just off the wall. I actually quit reading Sluggy as it stopped making sense I’m hanging in with GPF though but if the next story arc looks like its off on a ramble I’m outta there too.
Slovenia is a day closer…..
Link of the day: Terri Irwin’s revenge. Do you want to avenge Steve Irwin’s death at the tail’s of vicious sting ray? Well this flash game that Destructoid is hosting may at least help you get over your grief.
Later days,