
Well I’m off to the wilds of eastern europe for a week with Sarah. It should be fun and I have all the travel jazz set up and we’re staying over near Luton airport tonight so we don’t need to be up too early tomorrow. We’ll take photos (I still have some from London’s Wetland Centre which I will get up) and I’ll put up a gallery once we get back hopefully. Even after that I’m busy with a week in Nottingham with work and then Geneva the week after again with work. Means I’m missing the Juliette Lewis gig I bought a ticket for but I should be able to get rid of that easy enough and sure I may go see Breed77 while I’m in Nottingham but then nothing till Glyder on the 3rd of October in the Purple Turtle 8-O.

I’ve booked my flights home as well I’ll be back in Oct from late on the 6th to v.v.v. early on the 9th and in Nov same story but the 17th and the 20th. During the second weekend I’m going to try and make Dragonforce in the Ambassador 😀 Anyway if you are around Dublin either of those weekends drop a comment/text/email and we’ll hang out!

Actually that reminds me I’ll going back to Leicester during my tenure in Nottingham too so I can hang out with Leo and Aoife which is always fun.

Anyway I better go I may blog when I’m away but I don’t know if/when I’ll get a chance and it’ll probably be a quick one if I do.

Link of the day: Slovenian bus timetables 🙂

Later days,

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