Review – Hot Fuzz

In 4 words:
Go F*ing see it.

Slightly more in depth:
I’m a big fan of Shaun Of The Dead and with this reuniting the team behind Shaun; Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright and Nick Frost comparisons are to be expected. The guys couldn’t be disappointed really, Shaun is one of the best British films in years.

So Shaun was a riff on the zombie genre and this does the same for 70s cops shows(from both sides of the Atlantic). Nicholas Angel is the best officer in the Met police service, commendations, awards and arrests up the wazoo. However his superiors; Martin Freeman, Steve Coogan and Bill Nighy, feel he is making the service look bad so he’s transferred to Sandford in Gloucester (with a promotion of course). Sandford is the typical sleepy English village, but all is not as it seems, as Nick finds out.

Is it good? Yes. Is better than Shaun? Easily. This film has more laughs, great dialogue, Bill Bailey as a cameo and is just plain amazing. It starts getting weird as everything is explained but that is all forgotten with a great unravelling and fantastic end. The question I have is why are you still reading this just go see it.

Later days,

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