Valium over talent

So Google have ditched invites. It’s still beta and apparently well behind Yahoo and Hotmail in user numbers, wonder if that will change now you don’t need an invite. Invites weren’t difficult to find though so only time will tell, will we get IMAP now?

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Wii is still amazing, just under 30% done in XX hours (yes I am slow) but I’m really enjoying it, it’s pitched at just the right level for me I think. I loving gaming but I can be severely crap sometimes :-/ I did however kick Matt and Rich’s ass at tennis the other night :-D. We eventually beat Alex’s 205(yeah we’re not sure how either) in bowling when Rich bowled a 219 when playing Matt and I so all is well with the world.

Also my Xmas present from Sarah eventually turned up (only kidding Boo) and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve wanted a copy of this for ages and Sarah got me one :-D. Doesn’t have a frame or anything yet but I’ll get that sorted.

Link of the day:
My Sheep On Drugs photos on Flickr

Later days,

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