So here it is the new theme, it’s a corruption of the Morning Sunshine theme. A little fiddling here and there just to make it fit my needs. I’ve moved some things on to pages and changed others so they’d look right. I quite like it, it’s more colourful than my usual theme and has some nice little features. I’m also using a picture as my list of Currently Listening To as it was the easiest way to make it fit into this theme. So what do you think? The Nintendo one may make an appearance at some stage again I may use it as my “I’m changing my theme” theme.
So we were robbed again :-?. For a while yesterday I thought my DS had gone too (I was at work when I realised I hadn’t seen it) but no it was still there. So all I lost was my Gamecube and the controllers, which is the annoying thing. I need to do some research about replacing them for use on the Wii but I think the classic controller can be used for Gamecube games, if not I’ll need to look into white Wavebird(wireless) controllers for them.
Also Ms Amos is back with an album and world tour soon. Sarah got tickets for the 2 London dates (as do I obviously) but we(read I) are considering going to her Slovenian date as it is a Friday night and we’d love to go back to Ljubljana for a weekend. It was a beautiful city and we could replace some of the photos we lost when my camera and iMac were stolen last year. We are watching flights at the moment both Wizzair and Easyjet fly there from London so have to see how cheap we can get them. The venue she’s playing there, Krizanke (Virtual Panorama), looks gorgeous. If we do go Sarah is unsure about going to both London dates (I don’t think she gets my multiple gigs on one tour obsession). She has already bought the tickets for London so she may as well go to all three.
Anyway at the moment I’m up because a) Sky were meant to appear and install our Box and b) we were meant to get a new door to replace the temporary fix we have at the moment. Of course nothing runs smooth so all I have seen so far is the Landlord :-?. Sky rang to say they’d be here between 2 and 4 and the carpenter just plain hasn’t turned up :x. I’m not pushed about Sky(though it would be nice to be able to see the TV for once) but the carpenter is really pissing me off. Neither Matt nor myself want to leave the house empty with the current temp fix. It’s a fricking Saturday for crying out loud I aint sitting in all day because of some lazy piece of shit tradesman (OK looks like I may have to).
Anyway I’m going to write up some gig reviews for this Blog (there is a large pile building up) but don’t forget to abuse/comment/suggest things about the new theme.
Later days,
Ahh, once you get sky, stick on Hallmark -House weekend… top class 🙂
The post heading at the top of the page is a little messed up in Safari…
Argh, you’re right. And it’s only on the first post too, none affected after that. It’s a problem with the Theme I have found out. I’m staying with it and will try to get it fixed at some stage. It’s fine in Camino, Opera (Mac) and Firefox (Mac). I’m pretty sure it is fine in IE, Opera (Win), Firefox(Win) and Netscape(Win) so to be honest I’m not pushed, it’s something to do with Safari. They follow standards? Like IE?
Actually I’m trying to write a post which lists all posts from a particular category from a particular time period i.e. I want to list the titles(as hyperlinks) of all the posts in the Gig Review category posted between 01/01/06 and 31/12/06. Is that possible?
No idea, not done much WordPress modification other than theme mods.
Btw, Safari is the most standards compliant browser… So, it’s not Safari’s fault the post titles are broken!
Wait it’s the MOST compliant but it is the only one that breaks the post? Hmmmm
For the record I asked if you fancied going to any of the European dates and you didn’t reply for a while so thought you didn’t want to, but yay Slovenia take II!!!
No you asked about Paris, I don’t like Paris. Slovenia is completely different though 😀
It is possible… mail me the deets and I’ll set you up…