In nothing we trust…

I’m off to Birmingham in the morning for some presentations by some schools up there in the university. Should be interesting actually, kids sometimes see things from a different angle and you can steal their ideas MWHAHAHAHA etc…..

At the mo I’m trying to upload my holiday pics to Flickr, it is a little slow on this connection but I do have a Pro a/c now so I can upload up to 2gigs each month. Looks like I need to sirt them too once they are uploaded so a slideshow makes sense. Once I get them all up (2 days down, 7 to go :-?) I’ll add up the gig photos I’ve taken in the last while I never stuck up too. I’ve done a wee bit of organisation there too so it works/looks nicer I hope.

I’ve been pretty busy this week and on Thursday, I just found out, Sam and Dom are over for Porcupine Tree so I may go to that but I do have IT Crowd tickets the next night.

I’m planning this meeting with Sir Alan Sugar next week and it’s going OK just a little “Arghh” at times.

New Nine Inch Nails album is really good, the Machinehead one is taking longer to get into but the songs are a little longer than usual for them. The NIN CD has this great little trick too, when you take it out of the box it’s dark blue, play it in your CD player for a while and it goes white and has binary text on it. It turns back eventually too.

I’ve booked a flight back to Ireland on the 4th of May so I’ll be there until very early on the 7th when I fly to Manchester for a conference, which my boss from Melbourne will be at too.

Aint finished Minish Cap yet but the I ain’t been playing it I should be done soon, I hope.

Later days,


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