

I was on the way up to Birmingham today (as mentioned previously) and the guy beside me had his laptop and a bluetooth dongle and I think he was using his phone and it to connect to t’internet. As I was on my Mac and have the Bluetooth assistant I did a quick scan for bluetooth devices (actually specifically asked for phones) and found 5(two had changed the name of the device at least but that doesn’t mean they had any security on it) just sitting there open and discoverable I didn’t open any of them but if I was less scrupulous….

Tesco have serious balls:

I’ve been checking out Shiira as an alternative new browser. Has an expose style function i.e. press a key and all tabs appear onscreen to choose one but it doesn’t seem to do tabs normally as well and it seems to be a bit buggy :-/

Still uploading, damn wireless is down…. OK that took a few minutes and only have restart about three photos being uploaded. Damn tagged some of them with the wrong day…. Ah well 4 down 5 to go, still aint done the BIG day when we went on safari.

Later days,


  1. I usually send a funny photo or two… That’s what bluetooth was invented for!

  2. To be honest I was more worried that when I connected the phone would be like “someone’s trying to connect” but I don’t think they do that.

  3. Yeah, they do that. But if you hide your phone, they wont know its you. Just be careful, incase they do it back to you…

  4. Ha ha and there is the genius. My phone is a Nokia 1110, no colour screen, no polyphonic ringtones, no bullshit. Just a phone. I’d be connecting with my Mac which might cause their phone to pipe up though.

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