Good idea, bad idea

So I went to see Spiderman 3 at the weekend. I’ve had drunken conversations about this film with nerds and we all agreed that there COULD be issues with the villain count and the fact he needs to gain and lose the new suit before a particular villain can even be introduced.

Now for me Venom is Spiderman’s nemesis and his absence from the films so far a bit of a mystery. It all becomes clear when you realise that Sam Raimi while a Spiderman nerd had stopped reading them during the Venom period and so was not a fan or had any knowledge. It must be pointed out that the black suit, Venom and eventually Carnage helped revitalise Spiderman and was created partly by Todd McFarlane of Spawn fame.

So where does this leave the film(s)? I say film(s) as there are two films at play here. Raimi obviously wanted a Sandman flick and to tie up “The Goblin” story but the studio (like me) were tapping their wrist going “Sam it’s film #3 and we aint seen Venom” so we have a compromise. This ultimately weakens the film and we get a pretty corny flick with all characters needing redemption but maybe not getting the onscreen time to flesh this out. By the end some get it, some not and I’m not sure if you care enough about each character to be happy with the results.

Casting also annoyed me, OK, Topher Grace as Venom/Eddie Brock annoyed me and the character in general annoyed. Venom is meant to be 6Ft+ of hulking muscle with a victim complex who ultimately sees himself an others as innocent and Spiderman as a threat to him and others. Topher Grace aint exactly ripped in the film and Venom comes across more like a Venom/Carnage cross i.e. a complete scheming pyschopath who just wants Spiderman dead and will do anything to achieve that. See Raimi didn’t get that character but obviously didn’t want to.

Would I watch it again? Maybe, Stan Lee and Bruce “The Chin” Campbell get proper cameos and Maguire is still a good Parker (the usual humble student but with a little ego from being, well, Spiderman, New York’s hero) but did Kirsten Dunst need a singing part? Someone had way to much room to negotiate there. OK it wasn’t a complete piece of turd but if this was #1 you wouldn’t want a sequel.

Speaking of sequels there is a second Fantastic Four film on the way, who thought that was a good idea?

Yeah so Spiderman 3 worse than 1 & 2 but better than those 70s TV movie/things ugh.

So I have a weird idea but is it a good or bad one? I have one or two t-shirts (as some will know) and some of them are great “Sniff Glue, Worship Satan”, “Volume Over Talent”, “Kill All Cunts” etc…. So I was thinking of starting a set/collection on my Flickr account of pictures of the Ts (back and front if applicable) with a little description of where, who, what etc and all tagged up properly. Am I just being strange? It’d keep me out of mischief for a while at least. It would include all my band shirts only even the ones I should be ashamed of (I own three The Offspring T-shirts). Anyway I need to work out a system (i.e. where and how to shoot the shots) but leave some comments ridiculing my idea below.

More SA on the way I swear.

Later days,


  1. I haven’t exactly been looking forward to Spiderman 3. Num 1 was quite good, but 2 was awful. Overly cheesy dialog & soppy moments, all that cliché cr*p about Peter Parker v Spiderman (seen it a million times before) and the rather silly things villains can do (this sums it all up nicely ).

    I will be going to see it, just hope it isn’t as bad as Superman, XMen3, Hulk etc.

    Btw, you seen this: ? DISGRACEFUL.

  2. If you thought 2 was bad don’t go see 3.

    I’ve seen an actual episode of “Who wants to be a Superhero?” OK not a full one but the end bit where Stan Lee votes them off. Priceless. I think the win the chance to be immortalised in a comic book but all the “heroes” I saw were crap and could only end up as joke characters.

  3. i actually watched the last who wants to be a superhero and i liked in that the people were all decent folks with one reason or another to get a shot at fame. the bimbos in skimpy costumes got kicked out pretty quick it seems. i liked it cos the main reason i hate ‘who wants to be a celeb’ type shows is that the people who win are vacuous and boarding on porn stars in what they’re willing to do to be famous. anyway, enough dossing, back to foundations!!

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