10 Pieces


This is a really good article on who invented video gaming as we know it 40 years ago. It reminds me of a book called Game Over I read years ago which came free with Arcade a multi platform games magazine I’d link to it but the only book I can find online called that seems to be a different one. I will have to investigate next time I’m in Ireland as I still have my copy there.

Also I’m going to the rugby on Sunday with Dad who got tickets. It’s the Heineken cup final between Leicester Tigers and the London Wasps. I’ve never been to a rugby game, done football(premiership, then divsion 2 and Major League Soccer), baseball(Toronto Vs Yankees) and basketball(Knicks Vs someone) but never rugby, should be interesting, I suppose I’ll be cheering Leicester as despite my current home being London one of my friends Aoife and her husband are living there and it’s a nice city.

I’m sure Al and Dave will have read these before (and maybe I’ve mentioned them) but the BOFH stories from The Register are pure class.

I heard people in Queen mary mention that one member of ex-staff had a lab in Holborn station and this really intrigued me so I did a little digging, “Google is your friend”, and found some information in an obituary of all places:

These experiments were performed in the “Holborn Laboratory”, a series of rooms deep in Holborn Underground station. A spare platform at Holborn had been converted to offices during the war. Immediately after the war it was used as a staff hostel, and later many of the rooms were used by physicists for experiments needing a deep location.
The laboratory rooms were reached through a service door on one of the Piccadilly Line platforms. They were linked by an extremely narrow corridor, only wide enough for a single person, running along the edge of what had once been the platform. It was a dry and dusty environment and there were occasional problems caused by rodents chewing cables, but it was none the less an extraordinarily convenient site to work.

Honestly that is one of the coolest things ever. That googling actually pointed me at a really cool site London Underground History which talks about disused parts of the tube network it’s actually kind of cool (OK and anoraky). But how cool is this?

There are about 40 abandoned or relocated stations on the Underground network

God I’m a nerd.

Next weekend I’ve got my first gigs in a while and they are both Charger, first is in Redhill (again) and the second is in Tufnell Park dome. Sadly their new album has been pushed back a week by the printers to the 28th so I won’t have the CD before it but they have told me they will have a copy of the album to sell me at the Redhill gig along with the new new t-shirt designs and a bottle opener key ring. Will the bottle openeer replace my Eyebolt keyring that I have had on my keys for 5+ years? We’ll see.

Think I may go play some Zelda on my wii now.

EDIT: This is great. It’s cat with bow golf, genius just click drag on the cat to draw the bow back move the mouse up or down to change the trajectory and let go the button to see the arrow fly with that cat attached (you’re aiming at the getting to the target in as few moves as possible).

Later days,

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