- @fromthebigface you still doing @DamnationFest at the weekend? 10:27:20, 2012-10-29
- Quite proud of these considering a lack of skills with my pretty meh flash ->The Dating Games: Mk 2 http://t.co/ieLb4ZUw 13:21:51, 2012-10-29
- Was in @CorrigansFood in Mayfair on Sat, amazing, Stinking Bishop & real beer (though no one seemed to which brewery, maybe @kernelbrewery?) 14:47:25, 2012-10-29
- I'm a little excited I can now pay for things on @lids4hats with PayPal and pick up in store when I get to the States (well think I can) 20:45:35, 2012-10-29