- @MeantimeBrewing @CorrigansFood thanks was delighted to get great beer & great food many places forget quality should be served with quality in reply to MeantimeBrewing 09:35:08, 2012-10-30
- @stereoboard @shazrina_t The rumour mill in Ireland is that Bon Jovi are playing Slane this year in reply to stereoboard 10:24:21, 2012-10-30
- Just booked one of @TapeFaceBoy's London shows, not till the 5th of January though 12:42:18, 2012-10-30
- That is very confusing & poorly written MT: @scotsmannews: Son planned to build bomb to kill him and his abusive father http://t.co/yoWByXDv 15:17:19, 2012-10-30
- #nowplaying @black_sun_1000 – Twilight Of The Gods, a reminder I love the Scottish Scene 16:36:58, 2012-10-30
- RT @Rockin_Rollers: We don't always hold Intraleague matches, but when we do, it's a 3-way… https://t.co/KxuecMRv 16:37:07, 2012-10-30