
There is a really good article on one of Wired’s Blogs about gaming audiences and the Wii bubble bursting and its impact on the various sections of the market. It is a good read if only for the following which I very nearly LOLed

Like people, but smaller … Wish Pokemon were real.


Sarah has moved over, hence the silence on the Blog front. I have been able to pick up Amen’s Death before Musick and the new Traveling Wilbury’s collection (which is awesome and so worth every penny). I also now don’t dress in rags (OK I dress in less rags) I also got some new Doc Martens and some new baggies so I’ll be losing less change (and dignity) due to holes in my trousers and have more than two pairs of shoes.

Have you heard the one about the geek baiting Pi=3 argument? I thought it was just that a bit of fun poking a stick at maths geeks but apparently not God says Pi IS equal to 3. So I suppose it is true.

We had QI tickets for tonight but since we only turned up half an hour early we missed out by about 20/30 people actually getting :-(. At 7pm a lady just went “everyone beyond this point is definitely not getting in” and we were beyond that point so we just came home. Bit annoying but we did get to see the last episode of Springwatch.

Later days,

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