- @KatieHSinger congrats now where is that new avatar 😉 in reply to KatieHSinger 08:29:35, 2013-04-03
- @KatieHSinger Well you said you were going to change it … in reply to KatieHSinger 08:44:28, 2013-04-03
- @KatieHSinger *boo, hiss* I'm collecting avatars i.e. a few people have used my photos for their twitter/facebook avatar in reply to KatieHSinger 08:47:04, 2013-04-03
- @KatieHSinger hey I just take pictures of what I am presented with 😉 in reply to KatieHSinger 08:49:27, 2013-04-03
- @twhyntie @AstroAndyN @jonmbutterworth and teach? in reply to twhyntie 10:03:33, 2013-04-03
- OMG!!!!!!! 10:05:11, 2013-04-03
- @claire_brewer I'll take that compliment, also I left out the *gouges out eyes with rusty spoons in pure annoyance* from that last tweet in reply to claire_brewer 10:19:35, 2013-04-03
- @elwell2000 😀 that would be less OMG and more "Really? Seriously? You're smoking what now?" in reply to elwell2000 10:31:23, 2013-04-03