- Can @razoreater616 & @CorruptMoralAlt confirm they are playing this gig in Manchester next Thursday? http://t.co/BiPg85M0Az 12:32:34, 2013-04-04
- @CorruptMoralAlt @razoreater616 Gutted had seen the Star and Garter show had been cancelled was hoping it had been moved to the Bay Horse in reply to CorruptMoralAlt 12:34:43, 2013-04-04
- Well I'll just have to see @CorruptMoralAlt at Chimpyfest and @razoreater616 at the old blue last then in reply to CorruptMoralAlt 12:44:12, 2013-04-04
- @razoreater616 @CorruptMoralAlt was just an opportunistic gig, just up for work so was a bonus, I live in London everyone plays London 🙂 in reply to razoreater616 12:47:06, 2013-04-04
- RT @LondonBeers: The most London beers you could probably taste in one go–the upcoming @LondonsBrewing festival, 3-5 May. Get on it! ht … 12:47:17, 2013-04-04
- @JS_tone unlikely 😉 in reply to JS_tone 14:24:31, 2013-04-04
- #nowplaying Forbidden by Black Sabbath, I mean how bad can it be? Ice-T on a early 90s metal album what could go wrong … 15:04:08, 2013-04-04
- I know real authors and one has a book out soon and it looks very interesting http://t.co/AM9IexumpZ 15:27:31, 2013-04-04