Well not really, not had any alcohol actually in ages, jaysus should change that. Anyway life is a bowl of cherries aint it (incidentally I don’t actually like cherries). So today was even more exciting than yesterday, I mean I’m not sure if my heart can take this much excitement in one go(please note the sarcasm).
Well at least I took it easy, got some new games to run on my DS(off the R4 so didn’t cost me anything) and they are fun I also got BeUP running on it which is an MSN client for the DS so I can chat to people with that on MSN, just hoping they add support for GTalk, Yahoo etc.. so I can chat to everyone like on Adium.
Back in work tomorrow, few things to do so I’ll be busy. Hopefully I’ll hear back about that volunteering this week too, I should be busy enough with the various gigs and stuff on. Anyone fancy a trip to London? I can guarantee a very comfy couch and a fun filled weekend(I swear).
Off to the gym as well tomorrow, with Sarah gone it is now my mission to get there 3 times a week(not that Sarah stopped me it was mostly the 3 weeks away that knocked me off scehdule), hell I’m paying for it I should use it. Think I may use the one closer to work though as it is open all day and the one closer to home isn’t available till 6pm as it is a school as well(some bullshit sport/fitness thing) so I’ll go on the way home from work.
OK I’m done catch you tomorrow or whenever.
Later days,