I gave Luigi’s Mansion another go last night, eventually got the hang of it. It is really fun to play once ya get used to it(not that it takes too long, I’m just impatient sometimes).
Tomorrow I have got the second interview for one of the jobs I’ve mentioned previously . Should go OK to be honest but really waiting on the other one to get back to me *crossing fingers*.
Aint much real news, the new Raging Speedhorn album “How The Great Have Fallen” has been leaked on the bit torrent network. I have someone working on getting it for me at the mo. I will buy this as soon as it is released but I want, no NEED, to hear it now if only cause it’s officially only out a few days before I see them live for the first time in over 2 years.
This other thing I’m working on at the mo. (see below website etc) is doing my nut in, some real prima donna behaviour, that’s my fucking job.
Link Of The Day:
Apple Movie Trailers Heard about a trailer? Not seen it? Well this page has a pretty big list of movie trailers (quicktime required). Personal recommendations are the 3 Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy trailers!
Later Days,