Ahh a day off, how sweet 🙂
Well I’m flying through Luigi’s Mansion, it is a good laugh actually, upto stage 4 now, think I’m close to the end.
Got the new RSH album off Bit Torrent (OK someone else did, thanks Al, and I don’t actually have it yet but will work on that).
The Alchemist Cafe thing seems to be working now and we’ve ironed out any issues we had so, fingers crossed, we’ll be having the next one on Thursday 5th of May. The website is doing real well just type “Alchemist Cafe” into google (just go here) and we’re the 5th link and half of the ones above us are referring to us. That is with no publicising of the website (i.e. we’ve told no one about its existence). I’ve taken the role of digital promotion so I’m designing the posters and fliers, emailing everyone we have an email address for and updating the website. We’re also hoping for another cafe about 3 weeks after this one and so on just to keep the ball rolling. It actually aint that hard to do once democracy (well compromise at least) and not unanimity is used in the decision making process.
Ooh on the job front, I didn’t get the job I was waiting on them to get back to me (Boo Hiss). It was based in London for six weeks with only expenses though. The job I had the second interview for is a different kettle of fish. The second interview went well but I don’t think, scratch that, I know I don’t want that one. It isn’t science communication and would be selling me soul in the worst possible way. The money wasn’t even that great. They haven’t offered it to me yet and they may not but I won’t be working there either way.
In other news. I picked up the new Eels album in work(it’s flying out strangely enough) along with the DVD and CD versions of the new NIN single, the 9″ version has been deleted or some bullshit. About to start ripping the Eels one to MP3 while I have lunch and then on to the job hunt have my eye on one or two so here’s hoping.
Link Of The Day:
Smile Global They provide my email address, for a fee, I’d had it with Yahoo et al. I’ve used them for two years now it’s a pretty good service. Don’t seem to do personal email packages anymore though.
Later Days,