Rock N ROooLllll

Well in a better mood this time :-). I’ve been sick for the last week (still trying to shake it) but only missed one day of work (Sunday but more on that later), so I’m happy enough.
The trip to the UK is now set, booked time off work, flights all sorted, tickets for shows in our possession just some trains to London to be sorted. We are doing a tour the full length of the UK. Starting in Glasgow/Edinburgh on the 6th of August we are appreciating the Fringe festival until the 10th and heading down to my friends in Leicester on the 11th, then onto London/Reading on the 14th, Aberdeen is our destination on the 16th(to see PUSA) and ending our trip in Edinburgh/Glasgow (to see PUSA on the 17th) and returning on the 18th. Sarah will be finished work by then so it’s no problem for here and all I’m taking is 5 and a 1/2 days as I’m part time :-D.
Our other weekend of fun is coming up soon too Oxegen, a quick look at the line up last night though revealed an interesting fact. We only want to see 4 bands Saturday (Foo Fighters, QOTSA, The Frames and Kerbdog) we may catch Eagles Of Death Metal (Josh Homme’s other band) but they aint a priority. Sunday’s even worse it’s just Audioslave and Greenday with Mundy and Jackson United being possibles. Mars Volta appear to have been very possible but have pulled out and Nine Inch Nails aint happening :-(.
Anyway back to Sunday my sick day. I couldn’t of worked but I did see Batman Begins. All I can say is “Remember everyone thinks 3 & 4 sucked and destroyed Batman? Now people will think even Keaton and Burton were morons”. Nolan’s screenplay, direction, choice of cast, everything is inspired, it was magnificent with a capital MAGNIFICENT. If you have not seen this film yet, go now, now!
In other news the following are DVD releases coming soon you might be interested in Ae Fond Kiss, a Ken Loach film set in Glasgow in the cinemas here about a year ago I liked it, not sure about buying it. The big new release is Clerks. Yes that’s right Kevin Smith almost perfect film is eventually out on DVD in Europe on July 18th or so. It is the Clerks X version released last year in the US with 3 discs and 2 different cuts of the film.

Link Of The Day:
Taking the piss out of Jacko He may have been found not guilty but this is funny(from the Conan O’Brien show).

Later Days,


  1. hey that picture is bilarious! come and work with me in oxford circus….(woooh so posh) hmv just aint the same without ya! i actually am doing work and not listening to your mundane prattle…..ah im only messin ya silly boy! well wen you do make it over here to london look me up and we’ll go for millions of drinky poos and get millions drunk .smell ya later mister
    xxx jules

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