I Am Artistic, I Said Artistic Not Au…

I’m so close. I’ve added a gallery plugin to my Blog and I will put pictures up in it tomorrow(One there already). I’ll download them off my camera, clean them up and then I’ll upload them before I start work hopefully. I’ll actually have to take some of my new place in Brixton and Twinkle (the cat) may get in there.

On another note the place is well cushty. Massive living room, we’ve got four couches in it (three fold out to beds), a table an xbox, gamecube, TV lots of DVDs and videos and there is still plenty of room. My room is pretty big, there is space for a bookcase and a computer desk. The kitchen is big enough too not much worktop space but it’ll work out. I swear I will take lots of pics and you can all see for yourselves.

Alex was wondering the other day after reading my Blog since last year would she now star in it seeing as I now live with her. I think I may have to commission a cartoon from Eoghain about her :-). Actually that reminds me *scurries off to check somet in his DCU mail* damn not there. If anyone has Eoghain O’Keefe’s email address email me or leave it as a comment. I have a plan.

Anyway I’m gone.

Link Of The Day:Lazyest Gallery. The Gallery plugin I’m using it is Uber easy. Give it a look if ya need one.

Later Days,

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