
Well survived Saturday in Al’s had some fun. Moved all my stuff to Brixton today not fun with this mammoth suitcase using the Tube at rush hour. Almost pulled my arm out of its socket but made it in the end. The move on Sat is still a bit nuts though don’t have a UK based guarantor and it’s causing hassle, but should be grand Alex’s dad might do it *fingers crossed*.

Over the weekend got Alex to pick up Highlander and Dune which were free with red tops, twas great. Two more DVDs for the ever expanding collection. Tried to get the new Dragonforce album as well but not a hope nowhere I was stocked it not even HMV in Drogheda.

Dave Fry sent me a link to a Google map for you all to see where I’ll be living soon it is:
If you zoom around a bit ya can get in real close. The pink marker doesn’t actually point it out so I’ve screen captured where the actual house is (circled) it’s the one in front of all the parked cars:

The House

Link Of The Day:
My Local soon. I know it’s a link to a comedy club, the club is part of the pub.

Later Days,

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