OK I’ve sold out, I give up I got an invite and now have a Gmail a/c but I’d like to stress it is only in the vain hope that they may implement IMAP which would be very nice. I would just upload my current email folders and then route all my emails to a Gmail address and hey presto all my emails accessible all the time any where I am in the world and the ability to use Thunderbird. This also means I have 15 invites I can hand out, I know they’re as common as muck now but if you want to get one and move away from Hotmail or Yahoo etc.. just leave a comment.
In related news I’ve been looking at Mini FireFox and Thunderbird. I just got a really nice 1GB USB stick and I know you can load FF and Thundrebird on to one and run them off it on any machine without leaving any trace of your details being left behind on the computer. If I had an IMAP server for my email this would be the perfect solution if I know I’m going top have Internet access and couldn’t be arsed lugging around my notebook. Actually anyone done this? how easy/difficult is it?
Al mentioned a plugin for FF which lets you synchronise all your FF bookmarks, with I think an online XML file, on every instance of FF you use and as you update them in one place they all update. So if he’d drop the link in a comment that’d be great ;-).
Also did you know FF is available “as gaelige”(that’s in Irish for any Sassanachs)? I didn’t
Best quotes I heard recently
From Simon Singh’s “Big Bang”:
Spherical bastards
i.e. bastards no matter what way you look at them.
From the Apple Corporation Vs Apple Computers case:
Even a moron in a rush couldn’t confuse them
Reffering to the similarities between Apple Corporation’s logo and Apple Computer’s one, I don’t know did they ask Ringo?
Hmm I’m considering a tattoo at the mo. how does this look:

High up on my chest with the horns following the contour of my collar bone and wrapping around my neck along the collar bone i.e. below the neckline of a shirt. Sarah?
I’ve been avoiding this topic but how crap was the E3 announcements from Ninty? They said nothing OK so we have another controller and the Wiimote is longer with a speaker (and rumble I think) but no price, no release date beyond 4th quarter 2006, bollocks I’m hoping we get more before the end though. However nothing beats Sony’s for complete shit. They announced a poor mans Wiimote, no no detection of movement in 3D just 6 kinds of tilt, no rumble and it looks like the PSone’s original Dual Shock. the proce is shocking too up to รข?ยฌ600 and the cheaper one (a steal at รข?ยฌ500) has 40GB less of a hard disk, no blue tooth or HDMI output, is plain crap. The only reason Sony won’t be dead in the water is the fuking morons who believe they need another version of GTA and approximately 10 billion racing games which suck. Dear Sony try this link, morons.
I’ve been looking at the blog and I like the theme but I would like to have the most recent post in its entirety visible but the next lot as just the title and the first 5/6 lines. Anyone know how to do this in WordPress? Al may as his blog sorta does that, so just give us some code there lazy ass :-D.
Apparently they are running these on TV in the States, funny :-D:
We’re getting good in work even the BBC is picking up on our work: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4977150.stm
In the Guardian today, an explanation of the three laws of termodynamics:
1)You can’t win, only break even.
2)You only break even at absolute zero.
3)You can never reach absolute zero.
Off to see Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey tonight, hopefully. The finale to The Apprentice is on so I’m leaving the kids with their “Cack On The Box” and getting outta here.
Link Of The Day:
Caitlin, who was out on Saturday, has the best Blonde joke here just make sure you read to the end. Laugh? I almost cried ๐
Later Days,
You can even get a “cross platform” version of FF. It bundles the Mac binary and the M$ binary together, I think you edit a text file to choose which to use…
Tatoos are tacky. Here’s a cooooool idea though; an Apple logo in the center of your chest. Would be funny if nothing else.
Tacky? Tut tut mate, tut tut.
Well, yoiu are askin a lot aren’t ya ya cunt! ๐
this is the plugin you need, the tattoo is gay (just like you and your RSH buddies ๐ )
As for code… no problem, but not till after exams… no time to hold your little hand before then I’m afraid! Too busy with college.
I knew that, I’ll probably mess around, I know what I want to say just need to get to know the PHP syntax a bit better.
I’ll check out that plugin now.
very very annoyed. that is the stupidest joke ever made up by nerds who think they’re cool. i’m trying to study and i’m not i’m really annoyed. it doesn’t take much, but then again neasan, you always knew the right way to piss me off.
i agree with al on the tatoo thing. shave off your goatee and we’ll talk.
You didn’t read to the end ๐
and at the end i would have found a pot of gold? don’t get what you mean by that