A Fun Day Out

After my weekend of fun with young Sarah Keogh, Alastair J came to visit this weekend. I aint seen him since his part in January apparently ๐Ÿ˜• even though I’ve been home plenty of times since then. It was cool and we went out on the piss on Friday (horribly drunk was I, Mario Kart… Read More

Shocked? A little.

Well I leave the country and my connection to the virtual world for a few hours and this happens: Do you know what that is? Do you have any concept of what Wii is? Introducing รข?ยฆ Wii. As in รข??we.รข?ย Wii will break down that wall that separates video game players from everybody else. Wii… Read More

Holy Rusty Metal Batman

Ugh I get worse at this. It’s just been busy went to see Shonagh’s band twice they’re good will throw up a two gigs in one review next chance I get. Off back to Ireland tomorrow to hang out with Sarah until Tuesday morning so looking forward to that. I’ve been messing around with Google… Read More

Frozen In Time

Hello boys and girls, I know it’s been a while again, but sure the last one was a long one. Warwick went well (pictures in Gallery here). We’d a 42″ amd 21″ screen showing various things 24 A1 posters and some handouts. I had to rush off at the end of the first real day… Read More

Dear iTunes …

You fucking suck the big hairy one. Well my iMac and I are getting on quite well at the moment. Few teething issues at first, getting it on the wireless network took a wheil and I’m not going to go into but it was initially having a fit with the WEP I was using but… Read More

Permission to fail

Well I’ve been pretty busy lately so only been posting gig reviews the day after the gig so I actually get them done. I’m going to start with just some ranting, I live with morons and used to go to college with morons. I’m leaving it at that, most will know what I’m on about… Read More

An answer for everyone

Well I’m online without wires now, my laptop and DS all connect after a hiccup or two. Our modem is a router as well ya see so some messing had to be done but it works now. Have turned off SSID transmission and turned on WEP(only encryption that works with the DS). Now just have… Read More