Revel in my loss

Well got the last three gig reviews done, two by the same band. I think next year I need to a) beat my total for 2006 and b) try for 52 different headline acts cause there are more than one or two repeats in my list for 2006: Foos – 2, PUSA – 3, Iron… Read More


Hey it’s been a while and I’ve actually done a bit since the last time we talked. Lets see: Three gigs Three Birthday party( one being an 18th, don’t ask I was young at this one :-?) Two trips; One to Edinburgh 😀 and the other to Geneva \m/ Four mates hanging out (Grainne, Dave… Read More

Suspended by the throat

Another day, another post? Jeez he’s working overtime on this one bud. Anyway as you can see another real post I’ll probably do the gig reviews after this but I mean it is four gigs (two of which I know the setlists for), that is a lot. Haven’t actually done anything since last post but… Read More

Stupidity and dumb luck

First real post in ages. I caught up on my gig reviews(see last 4 posts) and am now going to relate a story of stupidity and dumb luck from my Milton Keynes visit. First Milton Keynes is a planned town from the 70s and is the epitome of poor planning and the destruction of community.… Read More

Rock the shocker

Back from Dublin, little tired but I have my archive. My archive is the box containing every ticket I have from all my gigs from Bon Jovi in 1996 to the Kerbdog gigs last Xmas. There are ones missing obviously due to paying on the door/not getting a ticket but I’m going to do something… Read More

Sleep when I’m dead…

Yeah bollocks to that I’m going to bed now. Back from Nottingham busy conference and late nights (not as late as some members of the group wanted) have me b ushed and I’m off again on Sunday :-?. I should get some of my Slovenia trip blogged on Saturday but need to get Stampin’ Ground… Read More

I’m back

Phew home again. Had fun will do a day by day blog and have lots of photos which I will get up ASAP BUT first I have to go to Nottingham with work for a conference. Link of the day: Hostel Celica, This is where we stayed in Ljubljana, it was amazing it’s part of… Read More