Never Say Die

Well I did stuff today, nothing too important though. I updated the alchemist cafe website so that it is now all PHP files so I can change the look of the entire site *fingers crossed* by changing only two files. The other thing was update my blog software so it’s now WordPress 1.5 🙂 I… Read More

I’ve a new URL. I know have a of my very own. Highly original as well! In other news I saw Dragonforce last Sunday being supported by Mendeed. Mendeed were as heavy as a bag of spanners and really impressed me. Dragonforce were … lets just say Ken, Dom, Sam and I were pulling… Read More

Bury The Corpses …

It’s been a while since a real post and all the things I mentioned in the last summary happened: My UK tour consisted of: Edinburgh & Glasgow; Bill Bailey & Alan Davies in The Odd Couple, crap Terry Pratchett adaptation, ?Äö?Ñ????ë??interesting?Äö?Ñ????ë?? adaptation of a Euripedes play by Sarah?Äö?Ñ????ë?¬?s cousin and a cool science show. Moving… Read More

Still Alive .. But Only Just

Yes I am alive not a long post really but a summary: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leicester, Reading, London, Bill Bailey & Alan Davies in The Odd Couple, crap Terry Pratchett adaptation, “interesting” adaptation of a Euripedes play by Sarah’s cousin, cool science show, PUSA two nights in a row, new Nu Rocks(shiny and pointy), cool CDs,… Read More

Centre Of The Storm

Quiet day today after being in work for the last 5 so taking it semi easy, also doesn’t seem to be any extra work going in HMV at the mo 😕 only a slight issue as I NEED THE MONEY!!!!! Ran my MP3s through Windows Media Player to clean up the tags(I know there are… Read More

Anchor The Sun

Well I have returned from Oxegen, it was fun weather was nice. I got to see GreenDay(same set as The point but still enjoyable), Kerbdog, Foo Fighters, The Frames and Queens Of The Stone Age. Most importantly I got to see + play Bulls On Parade (Instrumental NO vocals from Cornell). This guitar had been… Read More

Urge To Mutilate

It’s a Toosday :-), Not sure why I’m smiling cause it’s Tuesday but sure it ends in a Y so it’s all good :-D. So this is a shout out to any of you MySpace people, if your on myspace go to it’s my Myspace profile, fuck all on it but just add me… Read More

Rock N ROooLllll

Well in a better mood this time :-). I’ve been sick for the last week (still trying to shake it) but only missed one day of work (Sunday but more on that later), so I’m happy enough. The trip to the UK is now set, booked time off work, flights all sorted, tickets for shows… Read More

High Whore

In a slightly better mood now. Booked two PUSA dates, Aberdeen and Edinburgh :-). Sarah and I are doing the Fringe in Edinburgh then down to Leicester (maybe London for a day) to see my friends who’ve recently got engaged :-D, then back upto Aberdeen via Glasgow for the first show and then onto Edinburgh… Read More

Blood & Thunder

Well yesterday I booked the annual trip to the Edinburgh fringe festival, going on the 7th, staying in Glasgow(trust me it works cheaper) and going to a kids science show thing (WHAT!?! I do science communication), a production of Terry Pratchett’s Maskerade and Neil Simon’s The Odd Couple starring Bill Bailey and Alan Davies. So… Read More


Well as someone pointed out by mail I aint done anything on here in ages, pretty much two weeks!!! What have I been up to that is so damn important? Nothing really but here’s a quick run down. Been on the Science Bus again, same school twice in a row up in Maynooth, another all… Read More

Dead Man Walking

Well the rumours were true Frank has quit RSH :-(. On a positive note I’ve sorted out an interview in London on the 31st of May so I’m staying an extra night so I can see RSH on the 1st of June. There have been requests for Krispy Kreme Donuts, not sure how I’m meant… Read More