Busy day yesterday for a Friday. Been a busy enough week actually. I spent the first half of the day chasing those poster templates I was talking about and trying to design a power point design template for our talks from the basic design. I think it looks well but we’ll see what the powers… Read More
Category: General
BioMechanical – Underworld – March 14th 2006
Biomechanical Support: CoExist Needle Eye Heroes Are The Enemies I originally bought a ticket for this gig purely out of curiosity to see BioMech live. I’d heard good things about them and the one or two times I’d heard the album I liked it. However about a week later I couldn’t have cared if they… Read More
I Do Not Want This
Well as far as this blog goes I’ve had a little cleanup. The links were getting messy and long on the right hand side so I moved them to a links page. I also added the last.fm plugin showing the last 10 songs played in winamp —>. The creation of the links page was a… Read More
You fire musket, but I run you through
WooHoo got my new PC today, well it appeared so late I didn’t have a chance to do anything with it It looks like I want it to just need to turn off the system sound (all the beeps and bings etc) while still having sound from winamp. I may even install the lastfm… Read More
PHP, CSS, XHTML And The Media
Hey, hey, been busy since the last post. A whole week which included Sarah over last weekend which was great, we got a little drunk on Friday so Saturday was a late start but we went out and hung around the centre of London. Popped into Hamley’s, the toy shop, Sarah loved it. Other destinations… Read More
Girls Against Boys
I’ve been meaning to post for ages just kept getting waylaid. Well I’m over here safe and sound in London, safe that from the battle zone that is Dublin. I didn’t actually realise how bad it was till monday when I saw this. I then came across this and even this. That is nuts, my… Read More
Quiet weekend this weekend. Didn’t do much really, picked up a pair of trousers in Bershka, the 1966 Batman film with Adam West and tix for Viking Skull and The Berzerker. Went for some pints with Shonagh and Alex last night but other than that taking it easy. There is some good news maybe on… Read More
Well hello there, I’ve made a jump of sorts today, along with my desire to got off the MicroSoft band wagon by getting an iMac (I will just waiting on some money to come through) I’ve decided to try Open Office. It is more or less an open source and free alternative to M$ Office.… Read More
Hi Di Ho!
Had a really nice weekend with Sarah. Didn’t really do too much. Saturday had a look around Portobello Market, then Camden, tried to get tickets at the Garage but they didn’t have a box office, came home and had really nice pizza even if it did turn up a bit late. Alex, Sean, Sarah and… Read More
WWJD, What Would Judas Do?
Probably a quickish post just some news on the wire today. Some new stuff on the DSLite: Pictures of the Lite The instruction manual for the DS in PDF Pictures of the Lite’s innards But probably more exciting are a set of pictures coming out of Japan seemingly from a nintendo book either for shareholders… Read More
Inhuman Rampage
Well went to the temple of consumerism and middle age that is IKEA last night. It was fun, food was cheap (all you could eat pasta for £1) and got some things for my room. The Flarke computer desk, the NOT Floor uplighter/reading lamp and a bin which I can’t find on the website but… Read More